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Bishop Climate Ministries

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Victory Over Every Appointment With Death (Deliverance Series Vol. 10)

Powerful Prayers To Defeat Every Generational Curse, Pre-determined Fate, and Spirit of Death That Is Chasing You And Your Loved Ones! Does it seem like no matter how hard you try your life is unable to advance? No matter how hard you try and avoid something, it almost seems inevitable? Have you noticed any common …


25 in stock

Powerful Prayers To Defeat Every Generational Curse, Pre-determined Fate, and Spirit of Death That Is Chasing You And Your Loved Ones!

Does it seem like no matter how hard you try your life is unable to advance? No matter how hard you try and avoid something, it almost seems inevitable? Have you noticed any common circumstances between you and your family members? Or maybe a reoccurring problem in your life; a story that never seems to end?


In “Victory over every Appointment with Death” you will learn the truth behind demonic appointments. When your life has already been sentenced to death and your fate has already been sealed, is there still hope for people like that? When a demonic appointment is already set in your life is there a way to reverse it?

Discover how you can be set free from every appointment with death through powerful prayers and deliverance. Your life may have been one big circle but after reading and praying through this book you are about to experience breakthrough for the first time ever! Every appointment with death in your life, finances, marriage, body, career, and destiny is going to be broken in the name of Jesus!

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 21.6 × 14 × 0.2 cm

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