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Bishop Climate Ministries

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Donation Total: £100.00

Dealing With the Spirit of Disappointment (Deliverance Series Vol.21)

Are you tired of getting your hopes up only to be disappointed time and time again? Are you always suffering from last-minute delays and rejections that cause you to keep postponing your goals? Do others always promise to help you but then suddenly for no reason refuse to help or talk to you? In his …


10 in stock

Are you tired of getting your hopes up only to be disappointed time and time again? Are you always suffering from last-minute delays and rejections that cause you to keep postponing your goals? Do others always promise to help you but then suddenly for no reason refuse to help or talk to you?

In his new book “Dealing With The Spirit Of Disappointment” Bishop Climate reveals the truth behind what has been causing disappointment in your life. Discover the secret that Job knew which helped him to rise above every crisis that he faced.

You’ll Discover:

The secret that only Job knew about
4 ways the spirit of disappointment operates
22 prayer points & more…

You are about to overcome every demonic plot that has kept you back for years. It’s time to rise up and take back your life!

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 21.6 × 14 × 0.2 cm

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