As Children of God we are called to be the head and not the tail, above and never beneath, lenders and not borrowers. Today Christians are some of the most down-trodden people living on this earth today, not living up to the greatness of the God that they serve and never really fulfilling the true plans of God for their life, which is abundance in every area. In The Law of Wealth: 10 Keys To Financial Freedom, Prophet Climate shares with you the wisdom of God and his own personal money habits on how to use your money effectively so that it grows and benefits you and those around you. Surely money is a tool, and in the right hands, with the right mind, it can be used to change many lives. If you are struggling financially, living a mediocre life, or desiring to know how to increase your income to any amount, then this book will open up your eyes on how it is possible for you. A small but timeless classic, the application of these principles will change your life and your financial future forever!