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Bishop Climate Ministries

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Exposing The Familiar Spirit: Jinn Qarin

Throughout our Jinn series you will learn of many different types of genies. But even in the genie world, this is one spirit that is evil by nature. Its job is solely to destroy; to bring shame; to bring complications. In Arabic, qarin literally means constant companion. However, it’s not the type of companion you …


Throughout our Jinn series you will learn of many different types of genies. But even in the genie world, this is one spirit that is evil by nature. Its job is solely to destroy; to bring shame; to bring complications.

In Arabic, qarin literally means constant companion. However, it’s not the type of companion you want. This spirit is like having a double of you; like a twin. But instead of doing you favours; it is always destroying.

I have seen people lose their marriage, lose their careers, lose their destinies, etc. It will spoil your chances of getting promoted, of getting your papers, of getting married, of your children getting favoured. While you are working hard towards something, it will take your image and come back and destroy everything.

Jinn Qarin will mimic you and then go and cause chaos; attacking people’s marriages, jobs, minds. It can appear in people’s dreams or thoughts in order to turn them against you. Today it’s time to be free from every familiar spirit that has been destroying your life.

Additional information

Weight 0.91 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 3 cm

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